Printmaking Definitions
Screen Collographs
Intaglio / Etching | Drypoint | Lithography | Relief Printing | Screen Collograph | Cyannotypes | Viscosity Printing
Instead of metal, a paper-based matte board is used as a plate, allowing for work in a larger format. The board is first water-proofed on both sides with acrylic medium, then a silkscreen type of fabric is glued onto the front of the plate. The edges can be lightly beveled. Fine grooves which hold ink are created by the fabric itself and if printed as such, it will appear as a flat black ground.
This is a close up of the screen collograph plate
To create areas of white, an image is slowly developed on the board by applying layers of acrylic medium. The plate is then printed using the intaglio printing process on an intaglio press (More on process, and the plates)
This is an example of the screen collograph plates which were printed in only black and white and on arches paper. I did not edition these.
The screen collograph process is also great for cut plate printing. Cutting the plate can easily create components which can be individually inked with different colours. I printed all the plates together so the paper didn't cut or buckle etc.
An example of the finished screen collograph print. (black areas)
An example of a screen collograph print from the Double Bind series (black areas)
You tube videos on Intaglio process and printing:
Printmaking Processes: Intaglio - Minneapolis Institute of Art - etching, drypoint and engraving
Pressure + Ink: Intaglio Process - The Museum of Modern Art
Designed by Gisele Beaupre ©