
Most Recent Exhibit

  • Bosho Full Moon Gallery, "All My Relations",
    January 19th - 31st,
    2011, 211 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba.


  • 1989 University of Brandon, Bachelor of General Studies, Brandon, MB.

  • 1983 University of Manitoba, Teachers Certificate - Faculty of Education, Wpg., MB.

  • 1982 University of Manitoba, Bachelor of Fine Arts - Faculty of Fine Arts, Wpg., MB.

Employment History

  • 2002-2005 Artist-in-the Schools Program, Manitoba Arts Council, Wpg., MB.

  • 2000-2005 Art Teacher, Villa Rosa Adult Ed. School, pottery classes and Aboriginal Art, Wpg., MB.

  • 1992-1998 Student Advisor /Aboriginal Services Co-ordinator, Assiniboine Community College, Brandon & Dauphin Campus.

  • 1989-1992 Program Manager, Core Area Initiatives Program, Aboriginal Bank Teller Training and Adult Educators Training Programs; responsible for planning, instructing and supervising practicuums as well as, Aboriginal program materials and life skills co-ordinator.

  • 1988-1989 Art Teacher, Frontier School Division No. 48, Frontier Collegiate Institute, Cranberry Portage, MB.

  • 1984-1988 Program Coordinator/Trainer, Practicum Supervisor - Frontier School Division and New Careers;
    Library Specialist Program, School Counselors Training, and Community Educators Program, Wpg., MB.

  • 1978-1979 Program Co-ordinator, Mamowetak Aboriginal Centre, Thompson, MB.

  • 1976-77 Program Co-ordinator, Manitoba Métis Federation, Thompson, MB.

  • 1976-77 Art Instructor, YMCA, Thompson, MB.

  • 1967-1975 Art Instructor, Gillam Receation Centre, Gillam, MB.

Relevant Art and Cultural Experience

  • 2008 Gallery Tour to New York City with Colleen Cutschall and daughter Gisele.

  • 2006-2007 Project Grant, Manitoba Arts Council, Wpg., MB.
    Developement of a collaborative multi-media installation of memorial altars created with stories of residential school survivors, along with seven large ceramic masks.

  • 2003 Aboriginal Short-term Travel Grant, Manitoba Arts Council, Wpg., MB.
    Attendance at the Dedication Ceremonies for the Little Bighorn Battlefield Memorial Ceremonies, Spirit Warriors sculpture monument, by Prof. Coleen Cutchall of Brandon University, Brandon, MB.

  • 2003-2005 Artists-in-the-Schools Program, Participating artist, Manitoba Arts Council, Wpg., MB.
    Travelling to rural and northern schools by request to teach an Aboriginal Model of art-making using cultural symbols.

  • 1982 Short-term Grant, Manitoba Arts Council, Wpg., MB.
    Study trip to Norway House MB, to complete a series of art works, mentored by Prof. Sheila Butler of the Fine Arts faculty, University of Manitoba, Wpg., MB.

  • 1982 Teaching Sponsorship, Continuing Education, University of Manitoba, Wpg., MB.
    Sent to teach a 5-day workshop, with a group of local artists, in Cross Lake, MB.

Art Activities & Exhibitions

  • 2001-2007 Art Teacher, Villa Rosa Residence, for teen-age mothers;
    Resident cultural and Art teacher on staff for the last 6 years, Wpg., MB.

  • 2007 Art Teacher, The North Point Douglas Women's Centre for the Me-Mengwa Maa
    Sinatae, Manitoba Artists in Healthcare project to prevent the spread of HIV/Aids, Wpg., MB.

  • 2000 NDP Fundraiser, Art Auction International Inn, Wpg., MB.

  • 1992-98 Participant, Art Gallery of South Western Manitoba, and Indian-Metis Friendship Centre Art Auctions, Brandon, MB.

  • 1991 Assiniboine Park Conservatory Show, Wpg., MB.

  • 1990 Guest lecturer and Panel Speaker, Owen Sound Workshop on Regionalism in Canadian Art and the position of Aboriginal Art in the Canadian Art world, Owen Sound, ON.

  • 1986 Curator, Ace Art, Beyond the Borders Art Project, in Northern Manitoba communities.

  • 1983 Wah-Sa Gallery, Group Show, Wpg., MB.

  • 1981 Student Group Show, Warehouse Art Works, Wpg., MB.

  • 1970-80 Involved in Daphne Odjig's Wah-Sah gallery showing my work and selling prints and having art displays in northern communities, The Pas, Thompson, Cranberry Portage, Gillam, Herb Lake Landing.

Cultural Activities and Selected Art Workshops

  • 2010 Art Auction Fundraisor, John Howard Society of Manitoba Inc., Wpg., MB.

  • 2010 Art Auction Fundraisor, Manitoba Aboriginal Art Institute, Wpg., MB.

  • 1982-2007 Instructor/Facilitator: presentations and workshops related to the use of Aboriginal cultural symbols and teachings in art works. Participants create their own personal interpretations of their life experiences using the cultural symbols in visual art projects.

    Selected Clients
    : Community requests came from Literacy Workers group; LPN student groups at Assiniboine Community College, Red River Community College and Parkland Campus, Dauphin, MB.; Headingly Corrections Institution; Brandon University, Education faculty; St. Paul's College, University of Manitoba; Nursing Program, Ste. Rose du Lac, MB; Health and Wellness Centre, Ebb and Flow; MB Crocus Plains High School, Brandon, MB; Villa Rosa staff and volunteers; Aboriginal Centre, Justice program, Wpg., MB; Friendship Centre, Brandon, MB; Cross Lake Healing Conference, Cross Lake, MB; Kateri Church staff development, Wpg., MB; Aboriginal Education Conference, Wpg. MB.; several schools throughout Wpg. Division 1 and Wpg. St. James School Divisions; and the Community College Home Care Program, Vernon, B.C.


  • 1980 Manitoba Government, Department of Public Works, Provincial Building, Thompson, MB.

  • 1976 Manitoba Government, Winnipeg, MB.

  • 1970 Federal Department of Northern Affairs, The Pas, MB.

  • 1977 Gillam School, Gillam, MB.

  • 1976 Frontier School Division Offices, Winnipeg, MB .

  • 1970 Thompson Citizen Newspaper, Thompson, MB.