Icon Show: Interviews



Photo by Raj Kamal


One Sunday morning, Meera was having breakfast with her mother, when suddenly, for no apparent reason, her hand flew to the radio, and turned the dial. It stopped, and there rang out the most beautiful celestial laughter, filling the whole room with bliss. It was Swami Shyam, being interviewed on CHUM radio...Swamiji said, "This human incarnation is very precious, even Gods and Goddesses want to incarnate as a human being."..."because it is only in this nervous system that meditation is possible and awareness of Self-realization or Enlightenment can take place. "Meera has been in Kullu for 23 years meditating, and studying scriptures, and teaching Patanjaali Yog Darshan.

Written by Gisele Beaupre


Gisele: Meera, what was your first question to Swamiji?

Meera: I asked him why is it that I like certain colors and other people don't? It sounded like such a simple question.

Gisele: What did he say?

Meera: I expected a long complicated, philosophical even mystical answer, but he said, "Well, everyone has their own likes." Swamiji made it apparent to me that the questioning mind is a state of complication. By his answer, he removed the complication in my mind. It was so simple. From the very beginning, Swamiji was a supporter of life. He would answer everyone's questions in such a dignified way, no matter how silly it could seem to other people. The person is not just having a question; they are in a state of questioning. He always wanted to see everyone in a peaceful state of mind.

Gisele: How have you changed as a result of meditation?

Meera: Meditation has made me aware of my source, Pure Awareness, which may also be called God. It is the same awareness that permeates all existence. It is the source, and basis of all thought and forms. Now I know that there is no such thing as death. The Real 'I' of everyone is eternal; only the form changes.

In my heart of hearts, I don't feel that I have changed, although people who knew me before would say that I have become more alert, expressive, coherent, practical, sociable, and balanced. But I feel that whatever I really was inside, has manifested more. Whatever was covering my inner being in the way of conditions and illusionary ideas is being removed, and the truth of my true nature is shining through with less obstruction.

Gisele: What do you recall about those early years with Swamiji?

Meera: I remember one particular talk on flowers. We were in a garden and Swamiji said, "See all these flowers, they are all made of light." I saw flowers, I didn't know where he saw light. But the way he said it struck me so much. We are seeing them with our waking state mind. He obviously had some other state available to him. And now, after having meditated, I have come to understand that everything is made of light, and that light is consciousness. I always remembered that.

Transcribed by Gisele Beaupre

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