Printmaking Definitions: Relief Plate Example

(Wood cuts, Lino prints) - Printing the Relief Plate

A close-up of the vinyl plate for the print above

A Close-up of the vinyl plate for the print called Cycles, Relief/Coll Series. This is the black plate. The other parts of the print were removed and printed as a colour reductions process. In the colour relief print the complete edition is printed first, then more layers are removed, and printed over top the existing prints. 


Rolling out ink using a brayer or roller

Rolling out ink on a slab or glass using a brayer or roller

Rolling the ink onto the wood plate

Rolling the ink onto the wood plate that has some areas removed. Note how the ink does not go below the surface.

A thin piece of absorbant paper is placed over the plate and a spoon is used to polish the back

A thin piece of absorbant paper is placed over the plate and a spoon is used to polish the back, transferring the image to the paper. 

Designed by Gisele Beaupre ©