Art Related Employment

Teaching | Art Related | Children’s Art | Event Coordination

Teaching Experience


Sessional Lecturer, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba
Courses: Printmaking 1: intaglio, relief and screen collographs
Art History: Altars to Abstraction (Survey of Western Art 15th to 20thc.)


Sessional Lecturer, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba
Courses: (18 in total)
North American Native Art 1 & 2, (Taught both in 1993 and 1995)
Plains Painting & Drawing (1994)
Painting 1 (1996)
Traditional Techniques & Design, (1993, 94 & 96 )
Experiments in Traditional Art Forms (1998)
Drawing 1 (1993, 94, 95, 96 & 98)
Drawing 2 (94, 95 & 96)


Sessional Lecturer, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Nova Scotia. (Summer)(2)
Printmaking (Monoprints) and Figure Drawing


Sessional Lecturer, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (3)
Printmaking (2 sessions: Intaglio, Lithography and water-based screen printing)
Painting (Spring),
Participated fully in the Graduate Students weekly discussions/reviews.


Sessional Lecturer, Fundamentals of Drawing (Sabbatical Replacement Winter session, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba


Sessional Lecturer, Intaglio Printmaking, (Fall) University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario
Printmaking Teaching Assistant and Technician for 1984 (fall & winter sessions)


Practical Skill Sets | Art Related Travel | Community Activities

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Assistant, Art and Architecture Exhibition, St. Norbert Arts and Cultural Centre, St. Norbert, MB.
Thesis Advisor, (Native Student) University of Manitoba, Wpg. MB.


Gallery Technician, Floating Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Duties: installed photo-based exhibitions, shipping & receiving of crates etc.


Studio & Gallery Technician, Manitoba Printmaker’s Association, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Duties: Installation of printmaking exhibitions, gallery and studio tours, individual tutoring, set-up and organized the new non-profit professional printmaking studio; acids, chemicals, supplies etc.


Juror, Ace Art Inc., Members Show, Wpg., MB.
Juror, Northern Juried Art Show, Lynne Lake, Manitoba.


Initiated plans for a television commercial to promote the visual arts in Manitoba. Worked with Graham Asmundson, then Director of CARFAC to apply for a $10,000.00 grant for the creation of this promotional commercial.


Art Administrator/Fundraiser, Interlake Mobile Arts Centre, Teulon, MB
A unique rural artist-run, art-delivery and education service.
Duties: Administration, fundraising, public relations, art instruction, gallery tours & installation, and raised over $200,000 for capital and operating funds.


Gallery Technician, Framing and Sales, the Wah-Sa Gallery, specializing in Aboriginal Art, Winnipeg, MB.

Top of PageChildren’s Art Programs


Instructor: Printmaking Program, (4 years), Artists in the Schools Program, Manitoba Arts Council Communities: Elie, Teresa Point, Lac du Bonnet and Gladstone.


Instructor, Ceramics and Drawing, Children’s Saturday art programs, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Wpg. MB
Instructor: Children's Art Classes, Drawing & Painting, City of Winnipeg.

Event Coordination


Forum Coordinator: Planned and coordinated a Survey of Employers in Brandon on the issue of Native Employment for the Inter-Provincial Association on Native Employment, and a Forum to discuss the issues with a panel of respected speakers. (term contract)


Forum Coordinator: Co-planned and coordinated the International Forum for Native Art, Fine Arts, Brandon University. (term)

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Created by Gisele Beaupre©