Research Topics:
My journey to discover truth was inflamed once 9-11 occured. I also had questions about what was happening to all the missing aboriginal women in Canada. These are issues that got me on the path to discover what is happening in this world. The issues are vast and complex and i have compiled a list of search words etc. that one could use... all you have to do is start somewhere and it all leads to the same place. Corruption in the banking systems, the monarchy in the UK, the vatican, the black nobility etc. and the goal to wake up humanity to the war being waged against us.

Federal Bridge Certification Authority | AIM for | |
Adrenochrome Agenda 2030 Archons Ascension Artificial Intelligence AI Beta and Delta Programming Big Pharma Bildeberg Birth Certificates Black Pope Black Nobility Bloodlines Bohemian Grove Child Trafficking City of London Clinton Corruption Cloning Council of Wettin Deep State Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB) Demonic Possession Earth Changes Eugenics Extra Terrestrials False Flags Fascism Federal Reserve Fema Camps Fracking |
Fractional Banking Freemasons Fourth Reich Fukushima Geo-engineering Georgia Guidestones Guantanimo HAARP Human Sacrifice Human Trafficking Illuminati Infinity Infowars Iranian Bloodlines ISIS Jesus Jesuits Ley Lines Mind Control MKULTRA Multiverse Mysticism New World Order Obama Coup Oligarchs Operation Mockingbird Oversouls
Paganism Patriot Act Pedofiles PTSD Rat Lines Satanism Saturnian Scopalomine Secret Government Secret Societies Secret Space Program Skull & Bones Slavery Somerset Bellenoff Suicide Programming Super Soldiers Time Travel Transgender Transcendence Transhumanism Uranium One Scandal Vaccines Vatican state Wuhan Virus WACO Weather wars Zionists
Note: Google owns Youtube now, and is attempting to sabotage the alternative media and free speech. |

Aakashic Astral Body Ascension Auras Dream state Causal Body Chakras Clairvoyance Clairaudience Clairsentience Consciousness Creativity Deception Delusion Dimensions Duality Ego Elements |
Fractals Gunas Guru Faith Hatha Yoga Immortal Jesus Infinity Maya/Illusion Meditation Mind Miracles Oneness Oversoul Reality Reincarnation Satsang Samaadhi |
Singularity Self Senses Siddhis Silence Sleep State Surrender Transcendence Truth Untruth Unconditional Love Unconsciuosness Vairagya Variety Watchfullness Waking State Will Power Yoga or Unity Consciousness |
Note: You are forever free |

American Intelligence Media - Website Black Conservative Patriot - Youtube The Field Report (formerly Abel Danger) with
Note: Don't bother going to the Main News Media Outlets as they are owned by the 1% satanic elite (5 corporations) and are designed to feed you fake news. Avoid these Mind Manipulation outlets including CBC and other Canadian news channels. |
Some channels get censored and deleted and many can be found on other platforms such as Bitchure, Rumble and others.
Created by Gisele Beaupre